Privacy Policy

We value our users’ privacy and protection of their data. 

This Privacy Policy describes how PAN Technologies Inc. and its Affiliates PAN Rentals India Private Limited (“PAN Rentals”, “we”, “our” or “us”) collects, stores, uses and discloses data. It also describes your rights with respect to your personal data. PAN Technologies Inc., a US corporation, headquartered at 864 Grand Ave #1000 San Diego, CA 92109. Any capitalized but undefined term in this Privacy Policy shall have the meaning given to it in our Terms and Conditions (“Terms”).

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully and make sure that you fully understand it. You are not legally required to provide us with any of your personal data and may do so (or avoid doing so) at your own free will. If you do not wish to provide us with your personal data, or to have it processed by us or any of our services providers, please simply do not visit or interact with our Website/ Application, nor use our Services. By using our Services, you are expressly consenting to our collection, processing, storing, disclosing, using and handling of your data as set forth in this Policy now, and as amended by us from time to time, in terms hereof.

You may also choose not to provide us with “optional” personal data (i.e. “optional” fields on forms), but please keep in mind that without certain data we may not be able to provide you with the full range of our Services or with the best user experience when using our Services. When we use the term “personal data” in this Privacy Policy, we mean information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, to an individual. It does not include aggregated or anonymized information that is maintained in a form that is not reasonably capable of being associated with or linked to an individual, or information that is protected by certain laws such as HIPAA for health-related information and the Gramm-Leach Bliley Act (GLBA) for certain financial information. We will not process any special (or sensitive) categories of Personal Data except where we are able to do so under applicable legislation or with your explicit consent.

Data Collection

Information you voluntarily provide

To register and interact with our Application/ Website, you will be prompted to share information with us. Some of the information you may share with us includes: Full Name, Phone Number, Email ID, Home Address, Business Name, Business Address, Designation, Company Name (Employer), Payment Information such as Bank Accounts/ Credit or Debit Card (secured), PAN Card (for Indian Users), GST Number (for Indian Users), Equipment Registration Certificate, Driving License, Equipment Insurance, last four digits of social security number.

We may also collect personal information from job applicants, which may include, apart from the aforementioned information, their educational information, position, workplace, profile picture, employment history, and special categories of personal data (such as information about your health and finance) and information relating to criminal convictions and offences. Information relating to criminal offences or convictions will be processed under legal obligation or with your express consent. 

Information We Collect About You and Your Device

When you use PAN Rentals and interact with our services, we may use technology to collect information about your activity, including information about your use of Equipment during rental. Some of the data that is collected while using the Application and mobile/desktop clients may include: IP address, Type of browser you use, Number of sessions per browser/client on each device, Type of device and operating system, Local language, Actions taken while on the Application/ website, Device identifiers, web browser, mobile device, your mobile devices unique device ID, time zone.

We collect and generate this information automatically, including through the use of analytics tools, including cookies and pixels. We use this information to help tailor your experience for your device/language. We also use this information to help prevent fraud as well as identify service issues. 

Cookies and other technologies

Our Application/ Website and Services (including some of our Services Providers) utilize “cookies”, anonymous identifiers, pixels, container tags analytics signals, web beacons, log files, and other technologies in order for us to provide and monitor our Services, to ensure that they perform properly, to analyze our performance and marketing activities, and to personalize your experience. Such cookies and similar files or tags may also be temporarily placed on your device. Certain cookies and other technologies serve to recall personal data, such as an IP address or User. You may also use the “Cookie settings” feature available in our Services depending on your location and activity on our Services, as applicable. We may also use Google Analytics to help us understand how you use the Application/ Website. You can read more about how Google uses your Personal Information here: can also opt-out of Google Analytics here:

Cookies are small pieces of data that are stored on your computer, mobile phone or other device. Pixels are small blocks of code on web pages that do things like allow another server to measure viewing of a web page and are often used in connection with cookies. HTML5 Local Storage is a small database located inside your browser which web pages can use to store data to speed up their processing. Cookies do lots of different jobs, like letting you navigate between pages efficiently, storing your preferences, and generally improving your experience on PAN Rentals. Cookies make the interaction between you and PAN Rentals faster and easier. Cookies and other things like local storage also help us authenticate you to deliver personalized content to you.

Please refer to your device’s help material to learn what controls you can use to remove or block cookies. Please remember that if you do this, it may affect your ability to use our Application/ Website. As you use your device, you will encounter third parties that make use of cookies and similar technologies. We are not responsible for those third parties or what they may place on your device or in your browser.

Behavioural Advertising and Tracking

We may use cookies, web beacons, and other similar technologies (‘Tracking Technologies’) to deliver content, including ads, relevant to your interests on the Services and third-party sites based on how you interact with our advertisements or content, and to track the content you access. To better understand your purchasing preferences, we may also use third-party vendors that provide tracking tools that recognize and collect usage and interest information across the sites you’ve visited from your various Devices. When you visit the Services on a specific Device, a unique ID is created for that Device which may be based on your hashed (de-identified) email address. This allows us and our third-party vendors to deliver relevant product recommendations, personalized content and advertising to you based on your interests gathered across multiple sites. This data may be combined with the same information from another browser or Device if you use multiple browsers or Devices. Third party tracking tools might also obtain information about other applications that you have downloaded to your mobile Device, the websites you visit and other information about you or your Device in order to analyse and serve anonymous targeted advertising on the Services and elsewhere. 

Internet Advertising

We or our advertising partners may use Tracking Technologies to collect Information about your visits over time and across the Services and other third-party websites and combine that information with other information received from other sources, in order to serve more targeted advertising to you. 

Our third-party advertising partners, including Google, LinkedIn and Facebook may also use these technologies to identify your browsing interests over time and across different websites to deliver targeted advertisements and other content that has been customized for you. 

You can opt out of targeted advertising by using the links below:


The Digital Advertising Alliance (“DAA”) has also made available for consumers tools on which you can register your choices not to be tracked by participating advertising networks or companies in the collection and use of your online activities. These are

(1) The DAA Consumer Choice Page for Mobile Web (at ) and

(2) DAA AppChoices (at, which is a mobile app that allows you to opt out of the collection and use of cross-app data, other than for permitted uses, by listed third-party App Choices participants.

You may opt out of mobile-app targeted advertising ads from any or all of the listed participating advertising networks. When you opt out with a particular participating advertising network, the mobile app adds your device identifier to that participant’s opt-out list. The participant advertising network is then notified to block the device identifiers on the opt-out list.